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Committee Members Roles and Responsibilities

Joining the committee

In a new initiative, launched in June 2023, Members of The Cambridge Business and Professional Club are invited [and encouraged!!] to join the Committee and to contribute to the continued wellbeing and growth of the Club via one of the roles outlined below. 

Time Commitment – Each role isn’t expected to take more than an hour per week and the Committee usually meets just once per month for an hour.

If you would like to join the committee please email

  • If before June’s AGM you can be elected the committee for the coming year.
  • If after June’s AGM then Committee can co-opt you


We hope you can bring your skills and experience to help this phenomenal Club continue to flourish.

As we look to recruit an administrator in June/July 24 the resposibilities of each role will change – please contact us for more information!


Vice President



Membership Coordinator  

Marketing Coordinator 

Events Coordinator 

Speaker & Charity Coordinator